
Public Comment Sign Up Information


As part of our ongoing commitment to safety and security, all attendees—whether joining for recognitions, public comment, or general attendance—will pass through an Evolv security screening system upon entry.
We anticipate screening will not take longer than 60 seconds and will make our building and Board meeting safer. For more details on Evolv, please visit CobbShield.com.
Thank you for your support in keeping our schools and community safe.

Before all Board meetings, except for executive sessions, the Board invites the public to address the Board through a period of public comment. Speakers will have two minutes to address the board. Speakers will be scheduled on a first come, first served basis. However, the Chair may give priority to those discussing Board agenda items being considered during the meeting.

Speakers may only sign up to speak at either the Board’s work session or voting session but not both.

The Board requests that speakers maintain appropriate decorum and that comments remain focused and respectful (See Board Policy BCBI). Any person who willfully violates the guidelines found in Board Policy BCBI may forfeit the remainder of their speaking time and may face additional sanctions.

Public commentary may be filmed, photographed, recorded and/or edited by the District or other non-District media sources.

Individuals desiring to appear before the Board MUST sign-in and present a valid ID proving residency or property ownership in Cobb County. Students under the age of 18 must be accompanied by the student’s parent/guardian.

The sign-in session begins 30 minutes prior to the posted board meeting start time and closes exactly 10 minutes before the meeting starts with NO exceptions.

To better serve all our customers, we encourage those who would like to sign up for public comment to line up outside the side door, under the awning.

The doors will open 30 minutes before the meeting begins.

The Cobb County School District thanks you for helping to make our district the best place to teach, lead, and learn.